The Blarghalyzer - TFC Game Server Log Parser

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Blue Team Communications (MM2):
 Time Player Text
 -0:05:51 at | teme scout
 -0:05:42 at | Rojola Spawned as Soldier [H100:A100]
 -0:05:12 at | Marian Hossa kuka vittu on dziki?
 -0:05:06 at | Marian Hossa ihme nimia
 -0:05:01 at | teme puolalainen peluri
 -0:04:58 at | Marian Hossa ,nnm
 -0:04:54 at | Marian Hossa varmasti vitun hyva
 -0:04:54 at | Marian Hossa D: I am in my position!
 -0:04:50 at | teme :)
 -0:04:17 at | Rojola 5d tassakin sit
 -0:04:15 at | Marian Hossa hyva
 -0:04:09 at | Rojola ei aleta kikkailee
 -0:04:03 at | Marian Hossa offi tulee olee pask
 -0:04:01 at | Marian Hossa et pitakaa ,n
 -0:03:58 at | Rojola :G
 -0:03:56 at | Marian Hossa demonz puuttuu?
 -0:03:53 at | Rojola juu
 -0:03:51 at | Marian Hossa misseo
 -0:03:50 at | Rojola hakee mappia
 -0:03:06 at | headshot Engineer
 -0:01:43 at | Birthday Cake! Marian Gaborik > Marian Hossa
 -0:01:36 at | Marian Hossa no way
 -0:01:23 at | Marian Hossa demonaz on kyl nopee liikkeissaa
 -0:01:22 at | headshot im not using nades
 -0:01:21 at | Marian Hossa ettii noit mappei jne
 -0:01:20 at | Birthday Cake! Ovechkin > Crosby
 -0:01:17 at | headshot im just going to kill myself
 -0:00:56 at | headshot i just noticed i have a UKTFCL wrench
 -0:00:53 at | headshot where did this come from
 -0:00:31 at | Rojola mita megiz ny taas arsytat niiita jo valmiiks
 -0:00:16 at | Megiz arsytan? taas? valmiiks?
 -0:00:14 at | Megiz en ymmarra
 0:00:00  ------------------------ START OF ROUND ------------------------
 0:00:10 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:00:15 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:00:38 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H80-A50}
 0:00:39 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:00:40 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H80-A50}
 0:00:43 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:00:51 at | teme medic
 0:01:22 at | headshot Building an SG {H55-A17}
 0:01:27 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:01:35 at | headshot I'm in need of medical attention! - {80-50}
 0:01:39 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:01:45 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:02:17 at | Birthday Cake! 45 18
 0:02:37 at | Johnny Ringo I'm in need of something!!! [H33:A198]
 0:03:13 at | headshot Building an SG {H72-A41}
 0:03:19 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:03:47 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H80-A50}
 0:03:50 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:04:03 at | Marian Hossa avatkaa vesi
 0:04:34 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:04:35 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:04:36 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:04:41 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:04:46 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:04:52 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:05:39 at | Megiz [OFF] HEAL ME!!
 0:05:59 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H80-A50}
 0:05:59 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:06:11 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H80-A50}
 0:06:14 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:06:42 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:06:46 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:07:01 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:07:06 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:07:11 at | headshot I'm in need of medical attention! - {80-50}
 0:07:17 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:07:23 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:07:42 at | Marian Hossa ..
 0:07:43 at | Marian Hossa ala pelaa
 0:07:45 at | Marian Hossa engia :D
 0:08:59 at | headshot Building an SG {H67-A32}
 0:09:04 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:09:17 at | Marian Hossa huoh
 0:09:25 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H67-A50}
 0:09:25 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:09:31 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H80-A50}
 0:09:34 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:09:52 at | Marian Hossa ei jestas
 0:10:37 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H54-A13}
 0:10:37 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:10:43 at | headshot Building an SG {H34-A0}
 0:10:49 at | Marian Hossa ameepa koetetaa 4 medic off
 0:10:49 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:11:01 at | dickspin puhu mikkiin ni harkitsen asiaa
 0:11:06 at | Marian Hossa en pysty
 0:11:08 at | Marian Hossa mutsi nuq
 0:11:13 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H34-A50}
 0:11:16 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:11:57 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H80-A50}
 0:11:58 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:11:58 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:12:01 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:12:10 at | Marian Hossa AUTA NY SAATANA!
 0:12:12 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:12:12 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:12:13 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:12:13 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:12:23 at | headshot Building an SG {H74-A43}
 0:12:28 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:12:39 at | headshot Building an SG {H17-A0}
 0:12:39 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:12:40 at | headshot Building an SG {H17-A0}
 0:12:46 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:12:55 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:12:56 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:13:11 at | headshot Building an SG {H66-A50}
 0:13:17 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:13:51 at | headshot Building an SG {H74-A43}
 0:13:57 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:14:17 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H80-A50}
 0:14:20 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:15:28 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H78-A48}
 0:15:29 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:16:23 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H80-A50}
 0:16:25 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:17:15 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H72-A41}
 0:17:18 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:17:32 at | Birthday Cake! 10 0
 0:17:36 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H72-A41}
 0:17:38 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:18:14 at | Marian Hossa AUTA NY SAATANA!
 0:18:35 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:18:36 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:18:43 at | headshot Building an SG {H65-A33}
 0:18:47 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:18:50 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:18:53 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:19:06 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:19:12 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:19:29 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:19:35 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:19:48 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:19:53 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:20:28 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:20:28 at | Marian Hossa AUTA NY SAATANA!
 0:20:29 at | Marian Hossa AUTA NY SAATANA!
 0:20:33 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:20:50 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:20:50 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:20:50 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:20:50 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:20:52 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:20:57 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:21:14 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:21:19 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:21:34 at | headshot Building an SG {H20-A0}
 0:21:36 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:21:49 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:21:54 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:22:27 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:22:32 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:23:37 at | Marian Hossa AUTA NY SAATANA!
 0:23:45 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:23:50 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:24:23 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:24:29 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:24:42 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:24:48 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:25:27 at | headshot Building a dispenser {H80-A50}
 0:25:29 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:25:53 at | Marian Hossa ulk pitkast
 0:26:06 at | headshot I'm in need of medical attention! - {-13-0}
 0:26:06 at | headshot I'm in need of medical attention! - {-13-0}
 0:26:06 at | headshot I'm in need of medical attention! - {-13-0}
 0:26:12 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:26:17 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:26:24 at | headshot Building an SG {H77-A48}
 0:26:25 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:26:33 at | headshot Building an SG {H77-A48}
 0:26:38 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:26:50 at | headshot Building an SG {H40-A50}
 0:26:55 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:27:02 at | headshot Building an SG {H66-A34}
 0:27:08 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:27:15 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:27:20 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:27:57 at | headshot Building an SG {H66-A50}
 0:28:03 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:28:18 at | headshot Building an SG {H80-A50}
 0:28:24 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:28:47 at | headshot Building an SG {H31-A7}
 0:28:47 at | headshot Stoped building
 0:30:00  ------------------------ END OF ROUND ------------------------
 0:30:06 at | Marian Hossa offi liekeis ,nlnln

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