The Blarghalyzer - TFC Game Server Log Parser

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All Communications (MM1, MM2 & Server Text):
 Time Type Team Player Text
 -0:00:37 Team blue Lateralols (Team) sorry i'm sick of this map so i sucked pretty hard
 -0:00:08 Team blue ego-B- (Team) t5 em lat
 0:00:00    ------------------------ START OF ROUND ------------------------
 0:00:01 Team blue Lateralols (Team) i might as well
 0:01:19 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h-82 a0
 0:01:19 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h-82 a0
 0:01:19 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h-82 a0
 0:01:19 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h-82 a0
 0:01:19 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h-82 a0
 0:03:35 MM1 blue Lateralols rofl
 0:03:39 Team blue everlast (Team) med/ng h90 a100
 0:04:19 Team blue pDx (Team) flag tossed. [-1|2]
 0:04:45 Team blue pDx (Team) flag tossed. [-69|0]
 0:06:42 Team red Crap (Team) 38 50
 0:06:51 Team blue pDx (Team) flag tossed. [46|50]
 0:06:52 Team blue pDx (Team) flag tossed. [46|50]
 0:07:57 Team red Crap (Team) 22 2
 0:07:59 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h75 a100
 0:08:32 Team blue pDx (Team) flag tossed. [36|72]
 0:09:09 Team red Crap (Team) 9 4
 0:09:50 MM1 blue Lateralols that's what she said [7/0]
 0:09:53 MM1 blue Lateralols roflrolf
 0:11:28 MM1 blue ego-B- uis that the same crap that was in BSU
 0:11:28 Team red Crap (Team) 16 0
 0:11:33 MM1 blue Lateralols its
 0:11:37 MM1 blue Lateralols [DO]-Red
 0:11:39 Team blue pDx (Team) flag tossed. [14|8]
 0:11:40 Team blue pDx (Team) flag tossed. [14|8]
 0:12:02 MM1 red dirky- lats a stalker
 0:12:07 MM1 red dirky- been playing for 1 year and he knows everyone
 0:12:12 MM1 blue Lateralols Not you
 0:12:18 MM1 blue Lateralols STill haven't figured out who you are
 0:12:26 MM1 red dirky- nor you
 0:12:29 MM1 red dirky- dews huh
 0:12:30 MM1 blue Lateralols probably cause you're like me
 0:12:32 MM1 blue ego-B- n1 dirky
 0:12:33 MM1 blue Lateralols Just a nobody
 0:12:40 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h75 a50
 0:12:40 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h75 a50
 0:12:40 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h75 a50
 0:12:40 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h75 a50
 0:12:40 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h75 a50
 0:12:40 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h75 a50
 0:13:18 MM1 red dirky- nobody that stumbled upon hacks after no one left in tfc to catch you
 0:13:30 MM1 blue Lateralols I don't cheat
 0:13:31 MM1 blue Lateralols But thanks
 0:13:44 MM1 blue Lateralols If you think I cheat you're bad at spotting them
 0:13:48 MM1 blue Lateralols Manimal said the same thing
 0:13:50 Team red Crap (Team) 5 2
 0:13:54 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h4 a18
 0:13:54 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h4 a18
 0:13:54 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h4 a18
 0:13:54 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h4 a18
 0:13:54 Team blue everlast (Team) toss h4 a18
 0:14:00 MM1 red dirky- i dont think you cheat
 0:14:02 MM1 red dirky- loop your sounds yes
 0:14:06 Team blue pDx (Team) flag tossed. [69|100]
 0:14:06 Team blue pDx (Team) flag tossed. [69|100]
 0:14:12 MM1 blue Lateralols That sounds like ax1
 0:14:15 MM1 blue Lateralols Doesn't that constitute cheating?
 0:14:18 MM1 blue Lateralols It was banned after all.
 0:14:22 MM1 blue Lateralols And I'm afraid I don't
 0:14:25 MM1 blue Lateralols default sound
 0:14:36 MM1 blue ego-B- get em lat!
 0:14:43 MM1 blue Lateralols Dirky just sucks and needs to vent
 0:14:45 MM1 blue Lateralols I'm here for you
 0:14:52 MM1 blue ego-B- GG
 0:14:55 MM1 blue Lateralols gg
 0:14:55 MM1 red dirky- i ran over you in the t
 0:14:58 MM1 blue ego-B- takin vamp over lat was a bad move imo
 0:14:59 MM1 red dirky- dunno why you think you're good
 0:15:00    ------------------------ END OF ROUND ------------------------
 0:15:00 MM1 blue everlast gg

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