The Blarghalyzer - TFC Game Server Log Parser

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All Communications (MM1, MM2 & Server Text):
 Time Type Team Player Text
 -0:00:47 Team red Doug (Team) I'm a lemming with a tool
 -0:00:45 Team red amir (Team) Soldier
 0:00:00    ------------------------ START OF ROUND ------------------------
 0:00:11 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:00:25 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:00:42 Team red Doug (Team) What does this button do loazle?!!!!!11twofive
 0:01:02 Team blue Aaron Rodgers (Team) Not enough room to drop items here [5 33]
 0:01:06 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:01:17 Team blue Aaron Rodgers (Team) Not enough room to drop items here [-7 18]
 0:01:17 Team blue Aaron Rodgers (Team) Not enough room to drop items here [-7 18]
 0:01:31 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:01:35 Team red cerrone (Team) 47/113
 0:02:30 Team red cerrone (Team) 4/17
 0:02:36 Team blue Aaron Rodgers (Team) Not enough room to drop items here [17 3]
 0:02:41 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up Dispenser
 0:03:05 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:03:06 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:04:06 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:04:06 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:04:16 MM1 SPECTATOR trentluv Good form 1 0
 0:04:18 Team blue Aaron Rodgers (Team) Not enough room to drop items here [24 6]
 0:04:26 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:04:36 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:04:38 Team red cerrone (Team) 29/47
 0:04:59 Team red cerrone (Team) -56/0
 0:05:02 Team SPECTATOR pat69 (Team) lil danky poo
 0:05:05 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:05:09 Team SPECTATOR trentluv (Team) poopy dank
 0:05:25 MM1 SPECTATOR pat69 nick calm pls
 0:05:30 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:05:44 Team blue Aaron Rodgers (Team) Not enough room to drop items here [6 21]
 0:06:00 Team red cerrone (Team) 25/27
 0:06:02 Team red cerrone (Team) 20/15
 0:06:04 Team red cerrone (Team) 20/15
 0:06:06 Team red cerrone (Team) 20/15
 0:06:07 Team red cerrone (Team) 20/15
 0:06:08 Team red cerrone (Team) 20/15
 0:06:22 Team blue Aaron Rodgers (Team) Not enough room to drop items here [50 55]
 0:06:22 Team blue Aaron Rodgers (Team) Not enough room to drop items here [44 48]
 0:06:23 MM1 red office lol
 0:06:24 Team red cerrone (Team) 36/95
 0:06:30 Team red cerrone (Team) 32/82
 0:06:33 Team red cerrone (Team) 11/5
 0:06:43 Team red cerrone (Team) 22/91
 0:06:44 Team red cerrone (Team) 4/29
 0:06:44 Team red cerrone (Team) -1/17
 0:07:00 Team red cerrone (Team) 66/279
 0:07:08 Team red cerrone (Team) 42/279
 0:07:11 Team red cerrone (Team) 34/279
 0:07:17 Team red cerrone (Team) 18/279
 0:07:33 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:07:51 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:07:52 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:08:06 Team blue Aaron Rodgers (Team) Not enough room to drop items here [26 7]
 0:08:09 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:08:09 Team red cerrone (Team) 19/1
 0:08:14 Team red cerrone (Team) 19/1
 0:08:19 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up Dispenser
 0:08:28 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:08:32 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:08:37 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:08:51 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up Dispenser
 0:08:58 Team red cerrone (Team) 75/208
 0:09:08 Team red cerrone (Team) 33/60
 0:09:38 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:09:59 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:10:01 Team red cerrone (Team) 16/74
 0:10:03 Team red cerrone (Team) 8/74
 0:10:15 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:10:45 Team red cerrone (Team) 75/227
 0:10:45 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:11:23 Team red cerrone (Team) 23/45
 0:11:52 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:12:13 Team red cerrone (Team) 19/2
 0:12:16 Team red cerrone (Team) 19/2
 0:12:22 Team red cerrone (Team) 19/2
 0:12:31 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:12:52 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:12:58 Team red cerrone (Team) 36/76
 0:13:12 Team red cerrone (Team) 42/154
 0:13:15 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:13:20 Team red cerrone (Team) 21/77
 0:13:21 Team red cerrone (Team) 21/77
 0:13:24 Team red cerrone (Team) 21/77
 0:13:27 Team red cerrone (Team) 21/77
 0:13:33 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:13:33 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:13:39 Team red cerrone (Team) -56/0
 0:14:04 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:14:08 Team red cerrone (Team) 35/68
 0:14:23 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:14:23 Team red Doug (Team) Building or blowing up SG
 0:14:33 Team red cerrone (Team) 35/68
 0:14:49 Team red cerrone (Team) 17/12
 0:15:00    ------------------------ END OF ROUND ------------------------

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